Sunday, December 29, 2019
Who is Mileva Maric Essay - 813 Words
Mileva Maric Who is Mileva Maric? What was her contribution to science? How did she make a difference in todays society? Meliva Maric was the first wife of Albert Einstein and was a skilled mathematician and physicist. Mileva was born in 1875 in Titel, Serbia. She was raised in a middle class family who was very well off. She excelled in school! She got permission to attend an all boys secondary school in Zagreb.She got awesome grades and eventually became a student at Zurich polytechnic in Switzerland (later the Swiss Federal Institute or Technology or the ETH). This is the meeting place of Albert and Mileva, were they both took courses in quantum physics they grew very fond of each other and spent every waking moment with each†¦show more content†¦While Albert went off to work on his scientific studies Mileva and his relationship was put on hold for the time being Albert gave Mileva a contract which she refused to sign. That said she can only speak when spoken to and can not enter a r oom without permission! Their relationship took a turn for the worse and Albert took finally took initiative and gave Mileva divorce papers in 1916. She only signed them with the promise of his winnings from his noble prize money. She died in a mental institution in Nordheim Friedhof from a severe stroke in 1948. The grave location of Mileva Maric was discovered in Nordheim Friedhof cemetery, Zurich Switzerland after 31 years from her death. Her gravestone was removed from her grave by the Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery for non-payment of cemetery fees.He later married his cousin Elsa who he worked with for quite sometime on scientific work and studies. I think Milevas contribution in science was made through Alberts theory on relativity. Even though her name was not put on the final copy of the papers. The documentary film Einsteins Wife, showed that the original manuscript from 1905 of the Theory of Relativity was signed with Einstein-Marty (Marity for Maric). Soviet scientist Abraha m Joffe (shown on the stamp above) claimed to have seen the original manuscript with two signatures (Einstein and Maric). Abraham Joffe is an alumni of the famous Polytechnic Institue, inShow MoreRelated Mileva Marić Einstein and her contribution to Albert Einsteins work1293 Words  | 6 PagesWas Mileva Maric, the first wife of Albert Einstein, the well kept secret of Einsteins success? The relationship with Mileva Maric corresponds with Einsteins most productive period of life. In a single year, 1905, Einstein published four most important papers of his career, and won the 1921 Nobel Prize for that work. He spent the last 30 years of his life working on a unified field theory, but never succeeded. He was never again as successful as when he was with Mileva. Albert Einstein wasRead MoreBiography of Mileva Maric Essay834 Words  | 4 PagesMileva Maric was born in 1875 in Titel, Serbia and died in Zurich, Switzerland in 1948 at the age of 72 years. She grew up as a bright, young lady who was very intelligent and had a curious mind, particularly in the area of mathematics and sciences. Mileva entered an all-male prep school when she was 15 years old. While the only female in the school, she quickly showed her intelligence by achieving the best grades in math and physics. After graduation, she was accepted at the Zurich PolytechnicRead MoreAlbert Einstein As A Role Model To The World1169 Words  | 5 Pagescontributions will live on and be known for generations to come ( Albert Einstein was born in a southern German city named Ulm on March 14th, 1879. He was born and raised in a middle class Jewish home. His father was an engineer and a salesman who founded a company that fabricated electrical equipment. His mother stayed home and raised him and his younger sister Maja. As an adolescent Einstein was enthralled by music, he played the violin. He also had a fascination for mathematics and scienceRead More Albert Einstein Essay1645 Words  | 7 Pagesas a secondary teacher of mathematics and physics. During this time he meets Mileva Maric and falls in love. He tried unsucessfully to obtain an Institute job, but failed. He eventually obtained a job at the Swiss Patent Office. The position at the Patent Office gave Albert the time to devote his thought to physics and he began publishing scientific papers. In early 1902, Lieserl, daughter of Einstein and Mileva Maric, a former fellow student, was born in Hungary. Not much is known about the lifeRead MoreAlbert Einstein : The Greatest Minds Of Our Time1620 Words  | 7 PagesZurich Polytechnic between Einstein and Mileva Maric, the only woman in his physics class (Formative). Einstein’s family opposed any talk of marriage, even when Mileva gave birth to a daughter, who was probably given up for adoption (Formative). He gained his diploma and acquired Swiss citizenship in 1901, but was unable to find a post teaching, so he accepted a position as a technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office (Nobel). Einstein and Mileva Maric finally married in 1903, and in 1904, aRead MoreAlbert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879. He was born in the city of Ulm, Wurtemberg, Germany. He800 Words  | 4 Pagesand he enrolled in the Zurich school. Einstein recalled the years he was in Zurich was some of the most joyful years of his life. Albert met a lot of students who would be his loyal friends like Marcel Grossman, The mathematician, and Michele Besso he likes lengthy talks with about space and time. Albert also met his future wife Mileva Maric she was a fellow physics student from Serbia. After Einstein passed from the polytechnic Institute Albert had to face a couple of years. As of this he liked toRead MoreThe Contributions Of Albert Einstein1197 Words  | 5 PagesWurttemberg, Germany on March 14, 1879. Einstein was raised in a middle-class Jewish household where his father, Hermann Einstein was a retailer and an electrician, while his mother, Pauline Koch, was a homemaker. Einstein also had a younger sister, Maja, who was two years younger than him (Albert When Einstein was old enough to be enrolled in school, his father, Hermann Einstein, moved the family to Munich, Germany where Albert Einstein attended elementary school. As a child, EinsteinRead MoreThe Life of Albert Einstein837 Words  | 4 Pagesas a merchant in the featherbed industry, but his business collapsed, so he moved his family to Munich, Germany to start an electrical-engineering business with his brother Jakob, Einstein’s uncle. Einstein had a sister named Maja (pronounced Maya) who was born two years after him. (â€Å"Albert Einstein†) He also had a cousin named Elsa Là ¶wenthal, whom he married later. Einstein mother, Pauline, was a talented musician and introduced her son to the piano when he was a small boy, she encouraged hisRead MoreThe Theory Of Albert Einstein1232 Words  | 5 Pages1879, in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany, to Herman Einstein, an electrochemical factory manager, and Pauline Koch, a housewife. They were both Ashkenazi Jews, however they did not practice their religion (Whitaker). Einstein had one other sister, Maria, who was 2 years younger than him. In 1880, the Einstein family relocated to Munich, where Einstein’s father founded an electrochemical company (Whitaker). Education and Career Einstein’s had a disrupted education, which was a result of his father’s failingRead MoreAlbert Einstein : The Greatest Physicist Of The 20th Century859 Words  | 4 Pagesfamily. His father, Hermann Einstein, and uncle founded the electrical equipment manufacturing company known as Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein Cie. Einstein had only one sibling, a younger sister named Maja, who was born two years after him ( In school, Einstein, who began to learn mathematics at the age of 12 (, was underwhelming, and generally didn’t get along well with his teachers. It is thought that the unusual and rare structure of his brain might have contributed
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