Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gun Control Cons Essay - 1801 Words
Gun Control: Worse For Us Than We Know Almost everyone living in this country should have witnessed such debates. Some people might not have listened to a formal debate, but an informal gun control debate is being carried on by many groups and individuals. It is very unlikely that someone has not listened to one. Recall the occasions when you were traveling or waiting somewhere hearing the neighbors discussing gun control pros and cons. These conversations are also gun control debates in the wider sense of the term. After all, a debate does not have to be a formal one. The question where the gun control debate is heading to come from the fact that there have been innumerable rounds of this debate, but no conclusion seems to have been†¦show more content†¦The statement â€Å"Crime rates will skyrocket if guns are banned because the criminals will do anything to get guns†(ProsCons) is very true in this sense. The gun crime statistics from these countries reveal that after these laws have come into force, th ere has been a steep increase not only in the number of murders but also in the number of suicides. So, how do the pro -gun control groups react to these reports? Unfortunately, they have not been impressed by these facts. Their attitude to gun crime statistics has always been lukewarm. Since the facts are not on their side, they employ other means. The NRA (National rifles Association), for example, has made no secret of its decision to not accept any compromise on the issue of gun control. It has been threatening legislators that it will work for their defeat in the primaries, if they do not toe the line of the NRA. The threat seems to be working, with some legislators making attempts to change the rules in such a way that organizations like the CDC will not be able to study gun violence. One remarkable thing about the gun control debate is that though this debate has been carried on for the past few decades ever since gun control became a serious issue after President Kennedy was gunned down by an assassin, it has been able to sustain the interest of the people. People have listened to many gun control pros and cons but somehow, people engaging inShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Pros and Cons of Gun Control1657 Words  | 7 PagesThis essay will discuss the pros and cons of gun control. Some U.S. States have already adopte d some of these gun control laws. I will be talking about the 2nd amendment, public safety, home safety, and do gun control laws really control guns. I hope after you have read this you will be more educated, and can pick your side of the gun control debate. So keep reading and find out more about the gun control laws that the federal and some state governments want to enforce on U.S. Citizens. FirearmsRead MoreEssay about The Pros and Cons of Gun Control1770 Words  | 8 Pagesimpacts of guns, either positive or negative, during some point of their life. It is because of the fact that guns are a part of numerous American’s lives that we must ask: is gun control needed for the protection of Americans or for the empowerment of the government through the removal of Americans rights. The issue of gun control is not a new topic, their have been numerous other nations who have had this question before them. In 1995, Canada established a new set of gun control laws banningRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Gun Control in the United States Essay1306 Words  | 6 PagesGun control is a growing issue as of late, due to recent events such as school shootings as well as crimes which are committed daily due to gun violence the issue has been more controversial than ever before. IT is true that by owing a gun you can feel a sense of self- empowerment as it can allow you to protect yourself as well as your loved ones. However, owing a gun is a double edge sword in today’s world. The reason is that with the sudden increase in gun violence more people have beganbegun toRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1573 Words  | 7 Pagesissue being gun control and how guns affect and/or end lives, the even bigger issue though is the issue of how people can or can not write about gun control to educate the public. Gun Control is an issue that needs to be avoided when trying to persuade readers of an opinion for two reasons, the issue of gun control is a terrible essay topic because there are too many emotions involved in gun control debates and because in general there is no good research on gun control. The only essays and articlesRead MoreGun Control859 Words  | 4 PagesScholarly Essay: Gun Control There has been considerable debate recently in Canada over the issue of gun control. The Canadian parliament enacted the Firearms Act to enforce gun control by requiring gun owners to register their firearms. Just recently, the government of Alberta lead in a charge, including five other provinces and numerous pro-gun groups, complaining that the law is unconst... Gun Control Gun control Gun Control Part I:Introduction The issue of gun control and violenceRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On The Gun Of The Teeth : The Worldwide Plague Of Small Arms1597 Words  | 7 Pagesis one gun for every ten people on earth today. The people who supports gun control believe that if we are trying to save the world, guns for wars should not be shipped around for individual uses. There have been around 400 million deaths due to small arms and conflicts since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Once a person owns a gun, it is very rare that they will be willing to give the gun up. In South Africa, guns have been melted down, blown up, and cut into pieces. If there were stricter gun controlRead MoreWhy Gun Control Is Bad793 Words  | 4 PagesGun Control Argumentative Essay All guns have the potential to be dangerous and should be handled with care. Guns have been part of American life for as long as people can remember. For most people guns are perceived as very dangerous and harmful. However, that is not true; guns can be dangerous, but only if they are in the wrong hands. Owning a gun is right that every American should be able to take pride in having. Guns are used for self-defense, hunting, law enforcement and other uses.Read MoreGun Control Argument798 Words  | 4 PagesGun Control The gun control debate in the US is often contentious and politically divisive. And with upcoming elections always looming in the near future, we will continue hearing a great deal from the media as well as politicians about what should or should not be done about â€Å"too many guns†in our society. Unfortunately, too many Americans do not take time to truly understand the issues and the reasoning behind both sides of the controversy. To help get a clearer perspective of the problem, thereRead MoreGun Control Research Paper 1263 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Modern issues essay Gun control is a controversial issue for a long time around the world, particularly in U.S. because of a lots of mass shooting in school and public places. The second Amendment of the U.S. constitution is one of the shortest in all of the bill of right, it was written by the time period of American’s birth and it is the spirit of self-defense that help the new citizens of U.S. win their own freedom from the British. But now as the gun shooting problem happening every day inRead MoreThe Effects Of Gun Control And The Prevention Of School Violence1402 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Cap†in Gun Control On April 20, 1999, two teenagers killed 13 people and wounded more than 20 at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado (Zirming). The incident drew worldwide attention. It led to widespread discussion over gun control and the prevention of school violence. With unstable characters like this jumping through the ineffective background checks, none are safe. You may think our little village is far from any of this. That’s what the families of victims in Sandy Hook said. Gun control
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