Tuesday, June 2, 2020
10 Bible New Testament Chapters Reading Assignment - 2750 Words
10 Bible New Testament Chapters Reading Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: NEW TESTAMENT JOURNALNameUniversity affiliationRomans chapter sixThe letter of Paul to the believers at Rome was written by Paul himself. Paul wrote this letter to help believers to establish themselves in the Christian faith. He wanted them to be firm grounded in the Christian doctrine (Smith, 2004). Chapter six of Romans is very essential because it deals with the concept of sin and Gods righteousness. Paul examines the consequences of sin vis--vis the gift of God which is eternal life. He urges believers to put aside sin and cleave to Gods righteousness.In this chapter one can ask himself/herself is sin so power the way Paul alludes? According to Paul, believers are called to put to death the desire for sin. This suggests that sin is the greatest enemy of believers. That is why Paul is encouraging them to unite with Christ in his death and baptism so as to overcome the power of sin. Believers cannot defeat sin on their own they need the grace and power of God. Ther e is no point for people who are in union with Christ to continue in sin (wellman, 2001). Sin has power and dominion over somebody who is not in Christ. The moment one receives Jesus then sin becomes powerless according to Paul.Believers have got an opportunity to be alive in God since the power of resurrection enables every believer to be set free from sin. This implies that believers have no reason whatsoever to obey sin or subject their bodies to unrighteousness. They should realize that they are no longer under the law but grace. Obedience to sin leads to bondage but obedience to Gods righteousness leads to life and freedom. Sin according to Paul opens the door for spiritual death and therefore believers should avoid sin at all cost. The righteousness of God on the other hand makes everyone a beneficiary of eternal life. It is therefore prudent for believers to make a decision between being righteous and being a slave of sin.Romans chapter 12In chapter twelve of Romans, Paul tak es time to urge believers to make their salvation practical. They are required to show the world that the salvation they have received is meaningful. This is supposed to be realized in the sacrifice they are to make for the sake of Christ (Peach, 2017). They are called upon to offer true worship to God and one way of doing this is by presenting their bodies to God. Believers are to ensure that their bodies do not partake of anything that will lead to defilement. This according to Paul will enable believers to focus on God than any other thing.In this chapter the life that believers live here on earth is very important because it should reflect the acts of salvation. It is important to find out how can a believer live an exemplary life here on earth? Paul encourages believers to surrender their lives to the service of God. By so doing believers will be pleasing God and living according to his will. They are also called upon to demonstrate humility by esteeming others more than themse lves. Appreciating others who form part of the body of Jesus Christ is essential for Christian life and service here on earth. It is paramount for believers to value the contribution of others in building the kingdom of God.Diversity according to Paul is very important when it comes to Christian life and ministry. Believers are gifted differently hence each ones gift must be recognized and valued. Unity in the body of Christ is necessary for cohesion and growth. Paul observes that if believers are united then serving God becomes easy. Paul also emphasizes genuine love as a bond of faith that keeps believers in union with God and one another. They are required to bless those who mistreat them wrongly as a sign of love and dedication to God. Living in harmony with everyone is inevitable for true believers in Christ. Christians are to give God an opportunity to fight their battles or their enemies. They are not required to engage their enemies directly but to show them love instead.Gal atians chapter oneThe letter to the church at Galatia was written by Paul. In this letter Paul is addressing the issue of Mosaic Law. Gentile Christians were being coerced to obey the Mosaic Law as a sign of salvation. Paul refuted this in the letter of Galatians (Harcourt, 2016). In chapter one, Paul takes time to explain his position as an apostle. He connects his call to God by pointing out that it is God who called him through Jesus Christ. This was to build confidence in his audience that they were dealing with a true servant of God. He emphasizes the authenticity of the gospel he was preaching.In this chapter Paul explains the need to hold on to the true gospel of Christ disregarding other teachings. The place of true gospel in the world is vital to building of the true Christian faith. This creates room to find out what is the place of the true gospel in the Christian fraternity? Paul alleges that believers in Galatia had decided to turn away from the real gospel and embrace wrong doctrine. This according to Paul was misleading and dangerous to their faith. It could easily corrupt the true word of God that they had received from him. True gospel according to Paul originates from God himself and is not a reserve of a few people. Paul explains how he received the gospel he was preaching. He states that it was not the effort of a human being but rather divine revelation.It is necessary to observe that Paul in this chapter deals with a critical thing that is ailing the Christian faith worldwide. The way people are turning away from the true teachings of Christ suggest that the true gospel is being disregarded in the church. People are quick to respond to what is fake than what God has provided. The true gospel is not grounded on an individuals knowledge or teachings but on the true revelation of Christ. The bible should form the basis of any doctrine that is being taught by Christian leaders. Misleading people in the name of God should not be accepted in th e church. Every Christian leader should be able to demonstrate sincerity when it comes to ministry. If Christian leaders cannot earn peoples trust when it comes to Christian ministry, then they have no business serving. Galatians chapter fiveIn this chapter, Paul deals with Christian liberty. He tells the church at Galatians to realize that they are no longer in bondage but instead they are free in Christ. However, they are required not to abuse the liberty they have in Christ. Giving the flesh an opportunity was automatically abusing the liberty that Christ has given (Copeland, 2009).The presence of the Holy Spirit in a believers life should make the believer to yield fruit of the spirit. Walking in the spirit enables one to remain in Christ.This chapter exposes significant aspects of Christian life that help anyone to stand for Christ. Is the law of great value than the Holy Spirit? Definitely no that is why Paul urges Christians not to entangle themselves with the things of the f lesh or the law because there is no profit they will get. The law according to Paul has no part to play in liberating Christians. Circumcision alone does not profit anything if people are not abiding in the will of God. The Holy Spirit is the present and active help that believers have here on earth. They are required to move in the spirit so as to forfeit the works of the law and the flesh. As believers go on with their endeavourers, the fruit of the spirit should be evident in their lives.In this regard it is in order to point out that the church of the 21st century is still operating in bondage even after Christ assured believers freedom. When people set Christian principles and doctrines on the basis of the law then it is a clear indication that the work of the Holy Spirit has not fully been realized among believers. The Holy Spirit is still fiction to some people yet they purport to be Christians. Walking in liberty is a benefit credited on every believers account. There is no excuse or reason whatsoever for a believer in this century to disregard the work of the Holy Spirit and instead walk in the flesh. The evidence put forth for the works of the flesh in this chapter suggests that the bar set for Christian liberty is high for some Christians to attain. That is why Paul calls people to a life full of the Spirit of God in order to overcome the flesh and meet the standard set by God for righteousness.Ephesians chapter twoThis letter is also referred to as prison epistle. Paul is believed to be the author of this letter while in prison. The letter deals so much with the church and the position of believers in the church. Chapter two of Ephesians Paul stresses reconciliation and restoration that Christians experiences when they are delivered by God from their wicked ways (Swindoll, 2017). When people are in sin they are estranged from God according to Paul. Immediately they are saved from bandage and made alive in Christ, there is need to acknowledge the sa ving grace of God. Paul argues that salvation is entirely the work of God and it requires no boasting.God planned and executed the plan of salvation. If this is true, is there any need for some people to boast about salvation? Paul argues that all humanity was estranged from God that why the grace of God through faith ushered believers into the righteousness of God. There is no need to boast about something that you did nothing about. The Blood of Jesus according to Paul broke the barrier of alienation that existed between God and humanity hence bringing people into life. It was not the prerogative of different individuals to save themselves therefore no need of boasting. It is God who redeems and makes all to be united to himself in the same body built on a firm fo...
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